Sunday, September 12, 2010

This doesn't look like the most appetizing thing in the world here I know, but it's my favourite way to enjoy kale.
Last year I had such an abundance of it in my garden that I had to get creative in finding ways to get it in me and this is by far, my favourite way.

Kale chips. My boyfriend isn't a fan (and I'd be lying if I said that they tasted better than potato chips haha), but they are delicious as far as I am concerned, majorly healthful, and perfect for that crunchy salty craving. I made these last night and they seriously take 15-20 minutes. There are many variations for the recipe but I keep it simple. I just wash and dry the the kale (certified organic or from your garden preferably), break pieces off the stems (bite size), turn the oven on to 300 and lightly toss the kale in olive oil (extra virgin/cold pressed if possible). Personally I spray a very light coating on. I sprinkle with sea salt, bake, and minutes later voila! I start crunching away!

It is important however to keep a close eye on them, turning them every ten minutes, as they burn easily. I don't overload the pan either. I like them crispy like chips so I don't crowd the pan. Dark leafy greens have more nutrition per calorie than any other food source and with cold and flu season coming it's good to up the nutrition quotient any way we can! bon apetit and namaste.

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